Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tap Water Package Design by Racquel Youtzy

Bottles for tap water, designed by Racquel Youtzy

{What do you think of this design? Should we be allowed to repackage tap water and sell it for a higher bid because it elegantly designed? Is it elegantly designed? Let me know}
[edit: She in fact is not selling water at all! She is selling a water bottle. So now we can ask new questions!
What do you think of the design? What are your preferences on buying reusable glass bottles? Glass is quite a "green" material to use. But transportation of glass isn't always feasible. What if you drop it? I think the design is elegant, but I also think it would be hell to clean if for any reason you'd need to. Let me know what you think]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. She is not selling water! She is selling a reusable bottle that you fill with tap water from your own tap. The branding is to make people aware that you should NOT be paying for water that you can get free from your tap. Take a look at her website for more information:

  3. You're are quite correct. She was not selling water at all.
    I apologize for my inappropriate questions. Thank you for pointing it out.
