Monday, February 28, 2011

Mazda Furai Concept Car

Mazda's Not so new Concept car also known as the Furai.
Source: Wikipedia

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Huck Gee Dunny

This guys Dunnys are pretty fun to look at, and if you're into Pop Art, he's a fair player in the game. I enjoy most of his works.
Source: Huck Gee

Ro-Ro Rocking Chair for Zilio A&C

I like the new manner of making a rocking chair by TNA Design Studio. It comes in brown as well. I'm sure they go for a pretty penny.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Katakana LowChair

A very nice Lounge Chair by Dare Studio.
Source: Dare Studio

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Padded Eames

If there is something I love, it's an Eames. Charles and Ray Eames were incredibly successful in chair design
Source: No source available but another blogger might have what you're looking for

Monday, February 21, 2011

Neat Salt and Pepper Shakers by the Antrepo Design Industry

Battery-like Salt and Pepper shakers. Come in different colours. Cute Package Design
Source: Fubiz

Banana Leaf Packaging

This type of packaging is SUPER ecofriendly. I guess the only thing is how do you keep the banana leaf clean and sanitized?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vlad Studio Typographic Map

Ever wonder what the world would look like if typographers ruled it? Well here it is. {Though I understand the reasoning for bold type, I wonder if it was necessary for ALL the countries?}
Source: VladStudio

Sunday, February 13, 2011

AERO Lounge Chair by Charles Constantine

A nice very Architectural feel for a chair. I wonder if it's comfortable to sit in or will it need some cushions?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Lonely Girl

A nice series of lonely girl Japanese Pop Art paintings.
Source: MyModernMet

{Sadly enough I have been unable to find out who the artist is. If you know, let me know, or if I figure it out I will update this.}

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Japan Ranges

Though not a great memorial design (as to say it's not good because of it's connotation), it is a great informational/graphic design poster.

Source: Japan Ranges

{I love the poster, but I don't think that a poster about "people worrying about bombs being dropped on them" is the best thing to declare. Either way I think it's an amazing design.}

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Beautiful "Streamline" Chair by Benjamin Claessen

This Chair is very fluid and has the inspiration of car design inside of it.
{ what more could you want? Yeah I know, wheels might be too much :) }
Source: Benjamin Claessen (as of February 9, 2011 the site is blank.)
Source: Yanko Design

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Star Wars Poster by Jamie Bolton

Nice little minimalistic graphic design poster for star wars.
Source: Behance
{They're Also on sale for £10. 11.7|16.5 inches. It's worth it.}

Monday, February 7, 2011

Prestige Typography 2 & 3 by Bella Elizabetta

Two typographical posters reciting quotes from the movie The Prestige.

MNML World Kitchen Tea Kettles

Design concepts by Scott Wilson and company
Source: MNML

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tap Water Package Design by Racquel Youtzy

Bottles for tap water, designed by Racquel Youtzy

{What do you think of this design? Should we be allowed to repackage tap water and sell it for a higher bid because it elegantly designed? Is it elegantly designed? Let me know}
[edit: She in fact is not selling water at all! She is selling a water bottle. So now we can ask new questions!
What do you think of the design? What are your preferences on buying reusable glass bottles? Glass is quite a "green" material to use. But transportation of glass isn't always feasible. What if you drop it? I think the design is elegant, but I also think it would be hell to clean if for any reason you'd need to. Let me know what you think]

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Volkswagen XL1 Concept Car

The New Futuristic looking car from Volkwagen
{why do all these concept cars have covered back tires? ie. BMW Mille Miglia}

Source: DesignBoom

Shortboard Longboards

Design Illustrations for Shortboard Longboards by Mike Serafin

Friday, February 4, 2011

Atelier A5 House

A very pretty contemporary home in Tokyo Japan
Source: Atelier A5 Ahouse

Sonet Butterfly Chair

An experimental chair by Gamper Martino for his 100 Chairs in 100 Days Exhibition
source: Gamper Martino

Sound in Print by Toko

Sound in Print by Toko
Source: Toko

Somebody Save Me From These Fools

Close your Eyes and Open Your Mind/Somebody Save Me From These Fools by Almosttheory
Source: Almosttheory

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Information Design/Typography Design

Technological Influence by Network Osaka

Source: {as of February 2010, currently down}

Shape and Typography

Julia Miguel & Ana by EMPK
source: EMPK

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Design: Typography

Tpographical Poster by InCogBuro

I Love {Hate} You

Unknown Source.